Zen Squirrel Blog

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#SpringYogaChallenge Day 3


Day 3 of the Instagram Challenge with @yoga.m8 and @mommycrossing is Low Lunge. Try pressing your foot into the mat to lift your knee and activate your back leg in a new way.  post your photo to join us!


Namaste - Beth

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Challenge Day 2 of 12


Scale Pose is in store for March 21, day 2 of the #SpringEquinoxChallenge on Instagram, hosted by @yoga.m8 and @mommycrossing. Use blocks or get creative with your props to find flight. This pose calls for strong arms, shoulders, and core. Try it and post a photo of your results. 


Namaste - Beth  

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Welcome Spring!  Yoga M8 and Mommy Crossing are hosting a 12 day Instagram yoga challenge. The first pose is Mountain Pose with Baby Back Bend.  With prayer hands pressed to chest, lift the chest to your hands and take a slight back bend. Stay there or reach your arms overhead as pictured. 

Share your pose with your friends on Instagram using #SpringEquinoxChallenge @mommycrossing @yoga.m8. Tag your friends and invite them to play along. 

Namaste - Beth


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Spring Equinox Yoga Challenge


I'm hosting an Instagram yoga challenge with a few other bloggers. We will post a new pose each day. The fun starts March 20.

To join us, go to Instagram and post a photo of yourself in the pose of the day. Perfection is not required. Use #SpringEquinoxChallenge and tag @yoga.m8 and @mommycrossing and have fun!

Namaste- Beth

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