Yoga Away from Home

If you're like me, consistency in your practice is a vital part of overall well being.  Maintaining a practice while I'm away from home helps me stay grounded and centered.  Here are a few ways that you can keep up with your practice.

1.  Explore a new studio while you're on vacation.  This year I've visited Crossroads Yoga in Corpus Christi, TX, Fine Spirit in Ithaca, NY, and The Yoga School  in Ithaca, NY.  I've introduced 2 people to the practice of yoga while enjoying a variety of styles and fresh sequencing.

2. Study using an online resource, such as Yogaglo, Youtube, or Yoga Journal.  A computer and an internet connection is all you'll need.

3.  Set up your mat & do your own flow.  Start with sun salutations or work on something that you've been studying during your regular practice.  

4.  Take a break from asana (poses) and take time for meditation and reading instead.     

5.  Consider a yoga trip.  I've recently attended Yoga Journal Conferences and the Finger Lakes Yoga Festival.

6. Enjoy new practice space outdoors.  Classes are often offered on the beach, on standup paddleboards, or at local parks.   

Take some time to connect with yourself while you're away and put something fresh into your practice.

Namaste - Beth 


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